Nude Youths (Parental Advisory)
first pages
Nude Youths (Parental Advisory)
copier book accordion, brown paper wrapper, label
3.75"H x 2.5"W, closed; 3.75"H x 17"W, opened
First edition 585
Second edition 200
Nude Youths was produced in reaction to the culture wars of the 1990s, starting with Senator Jesse Helms battle with the NEA to bar federal funds from being used for “objectional” art. A black band of the text of the Helms amendment censors the images of nude male youths from Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel. The label on the wrapper is stamped with text proposed by Tipper Gore as a record industry warning label for objectionable lyrics. Copies were sent to members of Congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House.
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